







ケネディJr.の従兄弟・ロバート・ケネディJr.およびケネディJr.は「ワクチンは絶対に打つな!!」と激しく Telegram などで発信している。


ケネディJr.の従兄弟·ロバート·ケネディJr.およびケネディJr.は「ワクチンは絶対に打つな!!」と激しく Telegram などで発信している。



せめて、Twitter で「コロナは茶番」で検索して欲しい。このままでは日本が滅ぶ日は近い。






今は自動翻訳がある。そして、DeepL翻訳が一番優秀。検索ではDuckDuckGo しか正しい検索はしてくれない。























































deep state(闇の国家)」は人民の30%程がワクチンを打つと中に入っているスパイク蛋白が人類全員(一人残らず)に行き渡ると見込んでいた。そうして人類全滅することを見透していた(悪魔だ!!)。











件名:Covidワクチンは絶対に避けてください‼  ロバート・F・ケネディJr. からのメッセージ Covid-19、ワクチン接種の歴史の中で初めて、mRNAワクチンがの遺伝物質に直接介入。不可逆的で|Mizuki Suganote

緊急の公告 ロバート・F・ケネディ、弟のケネディ大統領の下で 米国司法長官の息子ジュニアから   件名:Covidワクチンは絶対に避けてください。     ロバート・F・ケネディ からのメッセージ   Covid-19に対する次のワクチン接種に関連する 重要な質問に早急に注意を向けたいと思います。 ワクチン接種の歴史の中で初めて、





『 WHO(世界保健機構)は、世界人口の90%が余剰人口だと決めているのです。WHO1974年から 人々を永久的に不妊にするような ワクチンの開発に取り組んできました。 』|Mizuki Suganote

WHO1974年から人々を永久的に不妊にするようなワクチンの開発に取り組んできましたCOVID-19候補ワクチンの草案展望 WHO 2020-05-31 22:30:55 | 毒ワクチン  https://blog.goo.ne.jp/beingtt/e/6bbea9dcf68e0f3158b7ecb87602bfe6?fbclid=IwAR0GYJK34vq3D9NJOXGTrxgLLcVAUxkSJGO2Zb9xRttR6bXT-mrzvXl6j_M さてはてメモ帳 Imagine…

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「子どもの人身売買、映画『自由の音』についてジム・カヴィーゼル語る」Jim Caviezel

Tim Ballard & Jim Caviezel Sound of Freedom / Opreration Underground Railroad ドキュメンタリー映画「トゥーサン作戦」人身売買幼児救出作戦 ティム・バラード 英雄たちhttps://youtu.be/hSptv3-yKbU Follow ourrescue.org…

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05/07/2021 / イーサン・ハフ著


















自己拡散型ワクチンは "害虫駆除 "のために発明された






そして米国のアンドリューカウフマンという医師が告発していたが、WHOPCR検査には、人間の「第八染色体」の配列と同じ配列が入っていたと指摘している。染色体DNAは4つの塩基で構成されるが その配列とまったく同じ配列が入っていると告発していた。つまりPCR検査では人間の第八染色体が見つかれば「陽性」とされるのだ。

そして この新型コロナワクチンを摂取すると 第八染色体と同じ配列を持つ人工のメッセンジャーRNAが入るため「これは異物である」とあなたの免疫機能は認識をする。そのため、自分の強い免疫力で、自分自身の第八染色体を攻撃しはじめるだろうと、米国の医師アンドリューカウフマンは動画で述べている。

第八染色体は、人間の知能をつかさどり、また人間の免疫力をつかさどる。そしてガンに対する抵抗力をつかさどるため 非常に重要な染色体である。しかしながらそれ(第八染色体)を自己免疫力で攻撃しはじめるため馬鹿になったような感じがするらしい。

実際にワクチン2回目を接種した人は「あれ 外に出るのにカギを忘れた」とか、「お金をもってでるのを忘れた」、「あれまた忘れた」となぜか自分が馬鹿になってしまったような感覚になるらしい。(ネットで体験談をあげている人がいる)


<血圧上昇を抑える体内物質(ACE2)はうまく機能しなくなるため 血圧上昇をおさえられなくなる>
となるとこの「血圧上昇を抑えたり 血管を広げたりする体内物質(ACE2)」が、本来の機能を果たせなくなる。






そのため数多くの女性が 実はこの新型コロナワクチンを打つと、「子供を産めなくなってしまう」のである。これは元ファイザーの副社長が警告していることである。
Johns Hopkins University confirms that “self-spreading” vaccines are real
05/07/2021 / By Ethan Huff

Most Americans are saying no to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines despite the deep state’s best efforts to sway them. It may not matter, though, because the jabs could be self-spreading, meaning the vaccinated could be effectively vaccinating the unvaccinated simply by “shedding” it onto them.
A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) paper explains how self-spreading vaccines work to spread through both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations by design. Even if you forego the jab, in other words, you could still end up becoming vaccinated if someone you come into contact with was recently injected.
Ironically, this makes vaccinated people the true “superspreaders” who are putting society at risk. Since there is still no real proof that viruses even spread through the air at all, who is actually responsible for spreading disease throughout society? The answer is the vaccinated.
“Self-spreading vaccines – also known as transmissible or self-propagating vaccines – are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection,” the JHU paper explains.
“The vision is that a small number of individuals in the target population could be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain would then circulate in the population much like a pathogenic virus. These vaccines could dramatically increase vaccine coverage in human or animal populations without requiring each individual to be inoculated.”
The paper goes on to explain the two different types of self-spreading vaccines: recombinant vector vaccines and live viral vaccines. It would appear as though Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections constitute the former.
“Recombinant vector vaccines combine the elements of a pathogenic virus that induce immunity (removing the portion that causes disease),” the paper explains. “Cytomegalovirus is one candidate vector for recombinant vaccines because it is highly species-specific and moderately transmissible.”
The full paper is available for viewing at this link.
You could already be “vaccinated” without even knowing it
As for the Chinese Virus, scientists were already brainstorming last summer how to make self-spreading vaccines for it. The Bulletin reported that because of vaccine “hesitancy,” eugenicists are trying to figure out how to maximize the self-propagating properties of injections.
“For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US military,” The Bulletin reported, admitting that the risks of such technology are high.
“Once released, scientists will no longer be in control of the virus. It could mutate, as viruses naturally do. It may jump species. It will cross borders. There will be unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences. There always are.”
Like everything else that comes out of Big Pharma, self-spreading vaccines are fake. Genetic engineering is required to make them “work,” and they function like a virus, which suggests that vaccines are the true virus that threatens us all.
“The idea, essentially, is to vaccinate a small proportion of a population through direct inoculation,” The Bulletin further explained.
“These so-called founders will then passively spread the vaccine to other animals they encounter either by touch, sex, nursing, or breathing the same air. Gradually, these interactions could build up population-level immunity.”
Self-spreading vaccines were invented for “pest control”
Ironically, the idea for self-spreading vaccines was birthed out of a desire among scientists to develop a new way to control pest populations. In other words, self-spreading vaccines exist for the purpose of pest control.
Some of the earliest self-spreading vaccines used in animals effectively sterilized them. This form of “immunocontraception” hijacked the immune systems of injected mice and prevented them from fertilizing offspring. This is eerily similar to what is now happening to men and women who are suffering reproductive problems after getting injected.
The official story is that self-spreading vaccines have not yet been “tested” on humans, but we know better than that. By the time the media has reported that something like this exists, chances are it has already been in use for quite some time. This is how the establishment plays the game.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, calls this “out-of-control” science. It is an existential threat to humanity itself because once the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to ever again contain it.
“If an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, the burden of proof that it is NOT harmful falls on those taking the action,” Adams warned back in 2012.
“In other words, scientists must PROVE their experiments are NOT dangerous before being allowed to unleash them upon the world!”
The only problem is that today’s scientists seem to want their experiments to be dangerous – that is the whole point. In this case, the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, including the mass vaccination component, is all about exterminating most of humanity and leaving behind only a very small remnant of survivors.
It will come as no surprise that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has long played a role in this agenda. Every single vaccine and other “medical” intervention he has concocted has had one purpose, and one purpose alone: mass genocide.
“We are watching a genocidal transgenerational plan unfolding. Bill Gates is executing it on behalf of dead men and others who shared their goals,” writes Vince Morreno.
“This is diabolical. Satanic. Civilization in facing a hugely clear and present danger.”
To learn more about the threat of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines, visit ChemicalViolence.com.
Sources for this article include:






by Ethan Huff



















自己拡散型ワクチンは "害虫駆除 "のために発明された







Johns Hopkins University Confirms That ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines Are Real
By Jerry Derecha
This goes against natural law. They are n not supposed to be allowed to do this. Even Satan himself would not go against the Codex in this flagrant of a manner. The Karmic consequences would be too overwhelming to come back from. If they are infecting those of us who weren’t vaccinated by creating a vaccine that causes its recipients to shed the spiked proteins from the surface of their skin and onto a non-vaccinated individual then God’s wrath and judgment should be right around the corner. Even the demons are likely cringing at the humans who decided to go forward with this. Knowing how bad the consequences will be for them and that it might end up ruining their plans due to its recklessness. THEY HAVE TO TELL US WHAT THEY ARE PLANNING IN SONE WAY. We still have free will. They are undercutting this. That’s a no no.
by Ethan Huff
Most Americans are saying no to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines despite the deep state’s best efforts to sway them. It may not matter, though, because the jabs could be self-spreading, meaning the vaccinated could be effectively vaccinating the unvaccinated simply by “shedding” it onto them.
A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) paper explains how self-spreading vaccines work to spread through both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations by design.
Even if you forego the jab, in other words, you could still end up becoming vaccinated if someone you come into contact with was recently injected.
Ironically, this makes vaccinated people the true “superspreaders” who are putting society at risk.
Since there is still no real proof that viruses even spread through the air at all, who is actually responsible for spreading disease throughout society? The answer is the vaccinated.
“Self-spreading vaccines – also known as transmissible or self-propagating vaccines – are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection,” the JHU paper explains.
“The vision is that a small number of individuals in the target population could be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain would then circulate in the population much like a pathogenic virus. These vaccines could dramatically increase vaccine coverage in human or animal populations without requiring each individual to be inoculated.”
The paper goes on to explain the two different types of self-spreading vaccines: recombinant vector vaccines and live viral vaccines. It would appear as though Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections constitute the former.
“Recombinant vector vaccines combine the elements of a pathogenic virus that induce immunity (removing the portion that causes disease),” the paper explains.
“Cytomegalovirus is one candidate vector for recombinant vaccines because it is highly species-specific and moderately transmissible.”
The full paper is available for viewing at this link.
You Could Already Be “Vaccinated” Without Even Knowing It
As for the Chinese Virus, scientists were already brainstorming last summer how to make self-spreading vaccines for it.
The Bulletin reported that because of vaccine “hesitancy,” eugenicists are trying to figure out how to maximize the self-propagating properties of injections.
“For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US military,” The Bulletin reported, admitting that the risks of such technology are high.
“Once released, scientists will no longer be in control of the virus. It could mutate, as viruses naturally do. It may jump species. It will cross borders. There will be unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences. There always are.”
Like everything else that comes out of Big Pharma, self-spreading vaccines are fake.
Genetic engineering is required to make them “work,” and they function like a virus, which suggests that vaccines are the true virus that threatens us all.
“The idea, essentially, is to vaccinate a small proportion of a population through direct inoculation,” The Bulletin further explained.
“These so-called founders will then passively spread the vaccine to other animals they encounter either by touch, sex, nursing, or breathing the same air. Gradually, these interactions could build up population-level immunity.”
Self-Spreading Vaccines Were Invented For “Pest Control”
Ironically, the idea for self-spreading vaccines was birthed out of a desire among scientists to develop a new way to control pest populations.
In other words, self-spreading vaccines exist for the purpose of pest control.
Some of the earliest self-spreading vaccines used in animals effectively sterilized them.
This form of “immunocontraception” hijacked the immune systems of injected mice and prevented them from fertilizing offspring.
This is eerily similar to what is now happening to men and women who are suffering reproductive problems after getting injected.
The official story is that self-spreading vaccines have not yet been “tested” on humans, but we know better than that.
By the time the media has reported that something like this exists, chances are it has already been in use for quite some time. This is how the establishment plays the game.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, calls this “out-of-control” science. It is an existential threat to humanity itself because once the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to ever again contain it.
“If an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, the burden of proof that it is NOT harmful falls on those taking the action,” Adams warned back in 2012.
“In other words, scientists must PROVE their experiments are NOT dangerous before being allowed to unleash them upon the world!”
The only problem is that today’s scientists seem to want their experiments to be dangerous – that is the whole point.
In this case, the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, including the mass vaccination component, is all about exterminating most of humanity and leaving behind only a very small remnant of survivors.
It will come as no surprise that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has long played a role in this agenda.
Every single vaccine and other “medical” intervention he has concocted has had one purpose, and one purpose alone: mass genocide.
“We are watching a genocidal transgenerational plan unfolding. Bill Gates is executing it on behalf of dead men and others who shared their goals,” writes Vince Morreno.
“This is diabolical. Satanic. Civilization in facing a hugely clear and present danger.”




Johns Hopkins University confirms that “self-spreading” vaccines are real
05/07/2021 / By Ethan Huff
Most Americans are saying no to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines despite the deep state’s best efforts to sway them. It may not matter, though, because the jabs could be self-spreading, meaning the vaccinated could be effectively vaccinating the unvaccinated simply by “shedding” it onto them.
A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) paper explains how self-spreading vaccines work to spread through both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations by design. Even if you forego the jab, in other words, you could still end up becoming vaccinated if someone you come into contact with was recently injected.
Ironically, this makes vaccinated people the true “superspreaders” who are putting society at risk. Since there is still no real proof that viruses even spread through the air at all, who is actually responsible for spreading disease throughout society? The answer is the vaccinated.
“Self-spreading vaccines – also known as transmissible or self-propagating vaccines – are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection,” the JHU paper explains.
“The vision is that a small number of individuals in the target population could be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain would then circulate in the population much like a pathogenic virus. These vaccines could dramatically increase vaccine coverage in human or animal populations without requiring each individual to be inoculated.”
The paper goes on to explain the two different types of self-spreading vaccines: recombinant vector vaccines and live viral vaccines. It would appear as though Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections constitute the former.
“Recombinant vector vaccines combine the elements of a pathogenic virus that induce immunity (removing the portion that causes disease),” the paper explains. “Cytomegalovirus is one candidate vector for recombinant vaccines because it is highly species-specific and moderately transmissible.”
The full paper is available for viewing at this link.
You could already be “vaccinated” without even knowing it
As for the Chinese Virus, scientists were already brainstorming last summer how to make self-spreading vaccines for it. The Bulletin reported that because of vaccine “hesitancy,” eugenicists are trying to figure out how to maximize the self-propagating properties of injections.
“For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US military,” The Bulletin reported, admitting that the risks of such technology are high.
“Once released, scientists will no longer be in control of the virus. It could mutate, as viruses naturally do. It may jump species. It will cross borders. There will be unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences. There always are.”
Like everything else that comes out of Big Pharma, self-spreading vaccines are fake. Genetic engineering is required to make them “work,” and they function like a virus, which suggests that vaccines are the true virus that threatens us all.
“The idea, essentially, is to vaccinate a small proportion of a population through direct inoculation,” The Bulletin further explained.
“These so-called founders will then passively spread the vaccine to other animals they encounter either by touch, sex, nursing, or breathing the same air. Gradually, these interactions could build up population-level immunity.”
Self-spreading vaccines were invented for “pest control”
Ironically, the idea for self-spreading vaccines was birthed out of a desire among scientists to develop a new way to control pest populations. In other words, self-spreading vaccines exist for the purpose of pest control.
Some of the earliest self-spreading vaccines used in animals effectively sterilized them. This form of “immunocontraception” hijacked the immune systems of injected mice and prevented them from fertilizing offspring. This is eerily similar to what is now happening to men and women who are suffering reproductive problems after getting injected.
The official story is that self-spreading vaccines have not yet been “tested” on humans, but we know better than that. By the time the media has reported that something like this exists, chances are it has already been in use for quite some time. This is how the establishment plays the game.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, calls this “out-of-control” science. It is an existential threat to humanity itself because once the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to ever again contain it.
“If an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, the burden of proof that it is NOT harmful falls on those taking the action,” Adams warned back in 2012.
“In other words, scientists must PROVE their experiments are NOT dangerous before being allowed to unleash them upon the world!”
The only problem is that today’s scientists seem to want their experiments to be dangerous – that is the whole point. In this case, the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, including the mass vaccination component, is all about exterminating most of humanity and leaving behind only a very small remnant of survivors.
It will come as no surprise that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has long played a role in this agenda. Every single vaccine and other “medical” intervention he has concocted has had one purpose, and one purpose alone: mass genocide.
“We are watching a genocidal transgenerational plan unfolding. Bill Gates is executing it on behalf of dead men and others who shared their goals,” writes Vince Morreno.
“This is diabolical. Satanic. Civilization in facing a hugely clear and present danger.”
To learn more about the threat of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines, visit ChemicalViolence.com.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: bill gates, coronavirus, covid-19, death, depopulation, eugenics, genocide, Johns Hopkins University, pest control, reproduction, self-spreading vaccines, viruses







